Psynesthesia is an NFT collection bridging psychology, generative-art and photography.

An Art project aiming to portray personality traits thanks to generative art.


Unique NFts


Personality Traits


Test versions

  • Do the test and find out your personality type.
  • Own a unique NFT generated by your results (1024 possibilities).
  • Get yourself a fine art Photography portrait (granted for orignal NFT owners).
  • 10% of the NFT sales to fund psychedelic research for mental health (via MAPS).
  • Do the test and find out your personality type.
  • Own a unique NFT generated by your results (1024 possibilities).
  • Get yourself a fine art Photography portrait (granted for NFT owners).
  • 10% of the sales to fund psychedelic research for mental health (via MAPS).


Each Psynesthesia NFT is generated from the results of the Big Five Personality Test, based upon five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.

With a score ranging from 1 to 4 for each trait, there is a total of 1024 (4^5) unique possibilites, and so on, artworks. According to the results, the shapes are drawn differently (color temperature for agreeableness, path complexity for openness, glow intensity for extraversion, etc..)

The NFTs are coded using the p5.js library and are minted on the Ethereum blockhain.

Psynesthesia is also a photography project and owning an NFT grants you a photoshoot (the studio being based in Tel Aviv for now).

10% of the sales are donated to MAPS in order to fund the Psychedelic Research for Mass Mental Health.

1 Generative Art / NFTs

Each Artwork is unique and generated thanks to the P5.js javascript library, and according to the results of the test.

2 Psychology

Psynethesia aims to visually represent the personality of the participants after answering the Big Five Personality Test.

3 Photography

Also an ongoing fine art portrait series where the artworks are projected on the participants. To follow on @studio.rubens.

The Test

The Big Five Personality Traits are the best accepted and most commonly used model of personality in academic psychology. Using a technique called factor analysis, researchers can look at the responses of people to hundreds of personality items and ask the question “what is the best way to summarize an individual?”

Five personality variables are standing out in terms of explaining about personality: extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience.

Psynesthesia’s tests are using the Big-Five Factor Markers from the International Personality Item Pool, developed by Goldberg (1992).

The tests are anonymous and three versions are available for different accuracy.

1 Openness

2 Conscientiousness

3 Extraversion

4 Agreeableness

5 Neuroticism

Short Test (10 Questions)
Medium Test (15 Questions)
Complete Test (50 Questions)
Short Test (10 Questions)
Medium Test (15 Questions)
Complete Test (50 Questions)

Psynesthesia is also an ongoing photography project where artworks are projected on participants for original and unique fine art portraits.

Owning an original Psynesthesia NFT grants participants a photoshoot free of charge. It’s also possible to book one independently for a fixed cost, the photo studio being based in Tel Aviv (for now).

Click on “Book a Photoshoot” to order one.


A Project by Rubens DB

I’m a French / Israeli Generative Artist, Photographer and Data Analyst based in Tel Aviv.

This project, close to my heart, blends the disciplines I love: Photography, Generative Art and Psychology.

Got a question? Feel free to contact me.
